005 Von Therapie zur Industrie: Die Disabled Soldiers Embroidery Industry
Links & Quellen:
- Die Zwei Schlachten Von Bullecourt
- Kriegszitterer (Wikipedia)
- McBrinn, Joseph: The work of masculine fingers': the Disabled Soldiers’ Embroidery Industry, 1918–1955. Journal of Design History, Volume 31, Issue 1, February 2018, Pages 1–23
- McBrinn, Joseph: Clever Needlemen. The Disabled Soldiers’ Embroidery Industry and the Embroiderers’ Guild
- Davidson, Jonathan: Threading the needle: when embroidery was used to treat shell-shock
- Holdsworth, Jacqueline: Louisa Pesel – Shell Shocked Soldiers – Bradford Cathedral
- University of Leeds, Archive of International Textiles: Louisa Frances Pesel (1870-1947)
- Ernest Thesiger and the Disabled Soldiers’ Embroidery Industry
Austro-Hungarian soldiers show of their patriotic handicrafts. Now, who said real men don't do embroidery?
— Pike Grey 1914-1918 (@PikeGrey1418) December 15, 2017
Fortepan-ID 26601#PikeGrey #WW1 #WWI #FWW #Austria #Hungary #History #Embroidery #Patriotic pic.twitter.com/LAsVzC4dQm